Are you under the impression that something as terrifying as this couldn’t happen to you? You might think that way, but the truth is, this is something that could happen to anyone.
This article is based on my personal experiences as the author.
On this website, we emphasize the importance of having a credit card when traveling abroad, especially to Washington, D.C. However, the flip side is that it’s not unusual for credit cards to be subject to unauthorized use.
However, let me assert this upfront: “I won’t have a credit card because I’m afraid of unauthorized use” is not a viable stance, particularly in foreign countries like Washington, D.C.
In this article, I’ll introduce measures to avoid credit card misuse and discuss what to do if your credit card is misused while traveling. If you remember these points, using your credit card abroad won’t be as daunting.

Sign the back of the card once you receive it
This is a fundamental step. Once you’ve successfully passed the credit card approval process and received your card, check the name spelling that’s embossed on the card and immediately sign your name on the signature strip on the back of the card.
This signature serves as proof that the credit card belongs to you and grants you the right to use any associated insurance.
If, by chance, you use the card without signing it and unauthorized use is discovered later, you might not be eligible for compensation. So, always remember to sign the card upon receipt.
Are Premium Status Cards More Vulnerable?

Like Washington, D.C., attract people from all over the world. Carrying prestige cards like Gold or Platinum cards can often lead to being treated as a person of high credibility on a global scale.
However, these status cards are easily recognizable, making them more susceptible to being targeted.
A common pattern of unauthorized use involves cases where the local store’s payment system isn’t a credit card-exclusive terminal, but rather, payments are processed through the store’s online platform.
While in Washington, D.C., and indeed in most American stores, credit cards are usually swiped through dedicated payment terminals by the cardholder without involving store employees. However, in places like hotels, restaurants, and small businesses, you usually hand over your card to an employee.
In such situations, the credit card information can sometimes be retained and misused, although these instances are quite rare.

Regularly monitor your online statements
When using your credit card, it’s wise to always consider the possibility of unauthorized use. To quickly detect any unauthorized transactions, frequently check your online statements.
The key here is to use “online statements.” Printed statements are often generated once a month around the card’s billing date and usually arrive a few days later. However, if unauthorized use is present, it might already be recorded in the statement, and you’ll have to pay for those transactions on the due date.
With online statements, you can immediately contact the credit card company upon discovery, resolving the issue before the billing cycle closes. To promptly catch unauthorized use, remember to regularly review your online statements.
Contact the credit card company

If you discover unauthorized use of your credit card, immediately contact your credit card company. The contact details are usually located on the back of your credit card. Follow the instructions of the voice prompt to connect with an operator and provide them with the date of unauthorized use, the name of the store, and an approximate amount for confirmation.
Subsequently, quickly block the card and initiate the process for reissuing the card. In most cases, if unauthorized use is detected during your travels, the affected card will be deactivated. So, use a backup card to cover the rest of your travel plans.
Whether it’s in Washington, D.C., or any other foreign travel destination, a credit card is an essential tool. Even if you encounter unauthorized use, acting swiftly can almost always lead to resolution.
By using your credit card responsibly, you can enjoy various benefits that come with it, enhancing your travel experiences and day-to-day life.
Rather than avoiding credit cards due to fear of unauthorized use, embrace the proper use of credit cards and explore a wider world with confidence.